The Privilege of Prayer

Many years ago, I was asked to write a poem about prayer. I was familiar with prayer but decided to do additional research. I read Scripture as well as a book about prayer, and I realized that there is so much more to prayer than just talking to God. However, it is also just talking to God.

Using what I gleaned from Scripture, I wrote:

I sit alone in my quiet place,

Overwhelmed by Your gift of grace,

And that I may boldly approach Your throne,

Because of Jesus’ work alone.

I give You my burdens, great and small,

Knowing You’ve waited to hear my call.

And, oh, the prayers of deepest need,

When my words fail, Your Spirit intercedes.

To praise, to worship, give thanks, confess,

Each day You never fail to bless.

For as Your child I have no care

That I cannot bring to you in prayer.

As I begin my day on bended knee,

I thank You, Father, for Your love for me.

And joy of faith will fill my days,

If I simply stop – and pray.

What a privilege we have to pray. To not only approach the throne of God through our prayers but to do it boldly – with confidence (Hebrews 4:16).  

What joy that God is waiting to hear from us with clean hearts (Isaiah 30:18-19; Psalm 66:18-19). Waiting for us to ask Him for strength, our daily bread, our every need. Waiting to hear our praise. 

Even when we cannot find words, in our deepest need – He has provided His Spirit to intercede for us (Romans 8:26). However, He doesn’t only want us to ask Him for help in the hard things, the major things. He’s waiting for us to ask for even the little things. As our Father, nothing is too big or too small that He does not want to help.

When I contemplate how much God has done to provide to us the avenue of prayer, I am ashamed that I count it of so little value at times. Is it my last resort when I cannot fix things? Is it an afterthought instead of my first thought? Is it just words, or is it deep words of trust, hope, repentance, and obedience? Is it demanding my will? Or is it yielding to His will?

As we begin our next season on the blog, prayer will be our focus. I’m ready to learn and grow in my prayer life. Are you? 

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the privilege to come before You with our praises, our confessions, our repentance, our requests. Thank You that You always listen and that You want what is best for us. Teach us this year to learn more of You and to learn more about Your gift of prayer. Open our eyes to Your glory and help us to praise You in all things. Amen

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