To the Glory of God

“. . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31b 

If you have been a believer for any length of time, you have heard that God gives each of His children spiritual (supernatural) gifts. When we believe and put our faith and trust in Jesus, the Spirit works in us. One of those works is giving us gifts which enable us to be a blessing to others. It may be the gift of hospitality. While we can all be hospitable, we all know someone who exceeds in hospitality, seemingly without much effort. We can all teach, but, again, some people excel in opening the Word of God and teaching us what God is saying. We all are called to witness and share the Good News with others; however, I have a friend who sees an opportunity to share Christ everywhere. He is bold and knows the right words to say to touch hearts at their point of need.

God has given us these gifts for a purpose – to bless others, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. We should all know our gifts and use them for God’s glory and for good.

If you do not know your spiritual gifts, review these passages: 1 Corinthians 12:1; 14:1; and Romans 12:3. In addition, there are a number of Bible studies and tests which may help you with your search. Your friends may also be able to tell you, because they have seen you in action, using your gift without even knowing that you are!

It seems, however, that some people think that criticism is their spiritual gift. Of all the people we as believers should want to bless, our pastor and his family should be foremost. Yet, do we thank him for his study of God’s Word and sharing the truth so that we can be faithful in how we live for God? Do we encourage him by praying for him and for his family? Do we offer hospitality to his family? Do we share the load by helping in teaching, serving, and giving to the church family? By using our spiritual gifts?

There are too many critics in the church.

Each of us must use our gifts and be careful to use them to God’s glory, not our own. I know that pride can cause me to use my gifts for my glory despite my desire to glorify God. Prayer must always come before practice.

Taking it Further:

Do you know your spiritual gifts? Are you using them wisely and well? Comment below.


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