Will the Real Christians Please Stand Up?

“Will the real Christians please stand up?”

 Sometimes I wish I could walk to the front of our churches, stand behind the pulpit and, with a firm, clear voice, project that question out across the crowd. After years in ministry to God’s people I find myself wondering so often who are the true followers of Jesus, because so often the ones sitting in the pews end up reflecting the least Christlike attitudes. 

I know Jesus came to save sinners, and the church is full of them. But the church is supposed to be full of saved sinners—individuals who have recognized the sick condition of their souls and want to be healed from that. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, we can know on one level that we need Him, but not go deep enough in self-reflection and time in God’s Word to see how deep our desperation actually goes. Frankly, our world is more full of distractions than it has ever been to give us excuses to ignore the cracks and crevices in our broken souls. 

The reality is that even Jesus made it clear that the wheat and the tares would grow together, looking the same until the harvest when the real grain has ripened and can be separated from imposter stalks. When the Lord of the Harvest comes to swing his scythe in wide swaths over the golden crop, one-by-one He will set aside each stem. One pile will be taken into the storehouse for protection and further use to give sustenance and life, and one pile will be gathered up and thrown into the fire. 

Sobering, isn’t it? Then why don’t we examine ourselves more? Why are we so surprised at how many false believers eventually prove themselves to be among us through their harsh interactions and self-serving abuses? 

And…how can I be sure that I am not one of those tares? I think it comes down to this: I need to meditate day and night on the wonders of God’s Word. Psalm 119:129 says, “Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore, my soul keeps them.” 

My soul keeps them. If I am truly worshiping Him and not my own selfish ambitions, if I am humbly seeking God in His Word on a regular basis, if I am continually acknowledging my dependence on Him, then I am doing it from the depths of my soul. 

My soul must keep God’s commands, not just my surface self who is really more interested in feeling good about myself because I led a Bible study this week or sacrificed my free time to visit someone in the hospital. 

My soul must keep God’s commands, not just the part who loves the praise of others more than the praise of my Heavenly Father, who delights in my secret prayers rather than the show-y ones I make in our Bible study and prayer group. 

The wonderful, incomprehensible, marvelous Word must fill my whole soul so that I long to keep His commands. 

That passion, that heart defines the true follower of Christ. 

Search your heart; can you stand up today and say “I am His”?


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