Winning the Battle

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16


At times, the world seems to be heading at full speed into a brick wall. Everything you hear and read is extremely bad, disheartening, or discouraging. Sometimes, Satan steps up the battle hurling flaming arrows at God’s Army. And sometimes, the frontline soldiers get exhausted, too tired to hold up their shields of faith. It seems that the enemy is winning.

I work in the home office of RHMA, a mission that focuses on planting and strengthening churches in small-town and rural America. Almost daily we receive calls from churches needing support, pastors needing encouragement, and frontline soldiers needing prayer. At times, I begin to feel overwhelmed by the many battles being waged against God’s people.

None is more difficult to understand than when people in the church are used by the enemy to wound their pastor and his family. Sheep who attack the shepherd are wolves disguised as sheep. My heart breaks for the pastor and his family in these situations. And my heart sorrows for those who, knowingly or unknowingly, further the cause of the enemy.

Because of my job, I know quite a few pastoral couples. Men and women who pray daily for the people in their flocks and who seek the wisdom of God in their decisions. Men who work long hours caring for those in conflict, and women who set aside their needs and desires because someone else is in need. Men and women who need encouragement, a good word, and love.

Please take some time to pray for the many pastors and their families who are enduring the flaming darts of the evil one. Hold your shield of faith firmly and help extinguish the enemy’s attacks. Take a moment to encourage your own pastor, his wife, and his kids. Thank them. Tell them what they are doing well. Love them.

Be a strong warrior today.

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