You Lay Your Hand on Me

I work in a primary school. All the students are nine years old and younger. One of the things I love about working with younger students is that we give lots of hugs as a staff—to each other and to our students. Touch is such a powerful teaching tool. It builds emotional and mental health. It is absolutely essential to every child’s growth and development.

One gesture that I find myself often using is that of laying my hand gently on the head of some of our students—when they are coming close to ask a question, when they are passing by in the hall and I’m giving them a quick hello, or when they need comfort and assurance that all is going to be well. 

So…why did I never see this picture before in Psalm 139? It’s because the Word is always fresh. Even Scripture we have known for years can suddenly come alive again to us as we grow in our faith journey and the Living Spirit of God illuminates truth anew for us. 

In the last few years, I have needed the Lord to know some deep parts in me. Pain and suffering will do that—it draws out and cleanses pieces from the folds and cracks in our soul that are broken and hurting. The beauty is that as He draws those irritants out, He can bring a healing and wholeness that we didn’t even know we needed. 

Psalm 139 is famous for teaching us about how well we are known by our Heavenly Father—known and loved despite all those broken places.

I have always found comfort from verses 5 & 6,You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it” (Psalm 139).

That picture of being hemmed in has always made me feel so safe and protected. God is my rearguard and shield, my protection. 

But when I read this not long ago, I could see the hand of God laid on me not just as a helmet to protect me from all the arrows that fly in this great spiritual battle, but as a hand of comfort which rests on me gently, like my hand so often rests on the students I meet every day.

My Heavenly Father passes His comforting touch to my spirit when I am weary and broken. He assures me of His constant presence when I am feeling worn down by waiting for something that never seems to get there. He infuses strength with His hand of power that is also oh, so gentle.

His hand reminds me that I am not alone, that I can trust His goodness even when I feel like as soon as I pick myself up from one hit and take a few steps forward, I run right into another wall.

He has laid His hand upon me. That is knowledge that is too high for me. I will never stop wondering over it.

I pray I never stop longing to feel His gentle touch either, that I never stop trying to reach for Him to know Him and understand Him more.

After all, He already knows my deepest parts. And loves me just the same.

And maybe those walls I’ve been running up against are actually my Lord whom I’ve been trying to run ahead of for too long.

Maybe it’s time to slow down instead and just feel that Hand upon me yet again.


Taking It Further:

When has God shown you that His hand is laid gently upon you? How did this give you courage to keep going on in something tough? Comment below.

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